Blue Flower

What kind of course it is:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method " © Course №1

This is a singing bowl contact massage method developed by Victor Ogui as a result of his 25 years of his work as a massage therapist and 10 years of scientific research and expeditions to the Himalayas and Asia.

Based on this method of massage, V. Ogui and his students did research and published 5 articles in Russian and international scientific journals.

This method can be called MASSAGE, since 94% of the procedure time is spent on the immediate contact interaction of the instrument - the singing bowl - with the human body.

This method has a state certificate of authorship on the methodology of its teaching and on the method itself " Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method "©

Патент Патент

Benefits for the masseur:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method" ©

  • Reduces anxiety, stress
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Improves nerve conduction
  • Increases microcirculation
  • Has lymphatic drainage effect
  • Intensifies tissue respiration and redox processes in the body
  • Improves mobility of the joint and ligament apparatus
  • Promotes the healing of the reproductive functions of the body
  • Trains and develops the ability to concentrate

Benefits for the masseur:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method" ©

After training at the seminar:

  1. You may start the practice of this massage method on the final day of the seminar (if there is a singing bowl and a stick meeting the requirements of the method).
  2. You can get a simple, structured, algorithmic and intuitive system of singing bowls vibro-acoustic massage.
  3. You can get all the necessary teaching materials: a textbook on paper, a training video, a diagnostic map and a map to account for the dynamics of procedures.
  4. You can additionally purchase various books, collections, videos on this topic.
  5. You can get a system, following which you will heal your body by helping other people.
  6. You will be able to help other people recover.
  7. You can obtain an environmentally-friendly method of healing yourself and other people.
  8. You can obtain a ready-made methodology for self-development, self-healing and enhancement of creative potential.
  9. You will be able to stimulate your spiritual development.
  10. You can increase your level of working potential.
  11. You will be able to solve the problems of your clients faster and more efficiently.
  12. You can become a unique master with a unique technique.
  13. After training, you can get V. Ogui’s consulting support.
  14. In the future, you may become an instructor of this course and V. Ogui’s copyright methodology.
  15. During the month, you can get V.Ogui’s support in a closed WhatsApp group for students of this course.

The course uniqueness:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-Acoustic Massage: Contact Method" © Course №1

  • This methodology is based on a scientific approach, confirmed by research, the results of which are published in 5 scientific journals in 2 languages.
  • This technique has been mastered and successfully used by more than 600 people since 2012.
  • Training seminars based on this methodology have been held by V. Ogui personally on 5 continents, in 11 countries of the world, and in 5 countries on 2 continents more than 3 times.
  • In this methodology, all the basic principles are taught based on the normal anatomy and physiology of the human body - without mentioning “auras, chakras, channels, energy”.
  • Half the time you study in this course is practice.
  • After completing the training seminar and following the recommendations for choosing a singing bowl, you can purchase a singing bowl anywhere in the world.
  • We have contacts of people who sell high-quality singing bowls, both in Russia and around the world. We will be happy to give you all the necessary recommendations and contacts.
  • This is a self-sufficient course: it can be taken separately from others or in the recommended sequence.
  • The effectiveness of the teaching method of this course is proved by the high frequency of the training seminars in the regions and the large occupancy of the groups conducted both V. Ogui and his instructors.

Who this course is for:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method" ©

The course will be useful to all those:

  • Who are interested in self-development, self-healing and healthy lifestyle
  • Professional and counseling psychologists, coaches, body-oriented practitioners
  • Athletes and sports enthusiasts
  • Instructors from different areas of yoga, fitness and wellness practices.
  • Young parents
  • Musicians
  • Esoterics
  • Medical workers, employees of beauty salons, sanatorium and spa sector and spa industry
  • People of creative professions (artists, sculptors, composers, writers, poets, marketers and PR-managers)
  • People of stressful occupations (teachers, employees of power structures, administrator, top managers of companies, young parents)
  • Masseurs, traditional healers
  • All those who practice meditation
  • Anyone practicing healthy lifestyles
  • Specialists in physical rehabilitation, massage therapists, exercise therapy instructors, kinesiotherapists, manual therapists, specialists in soft manual techniques, orthopedists

The advantages of this method over other similar methods:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method" ©

  • There is no immediate tactile contact with the patient.
  • It is performed in clothing.
  • No consumables are required.
  • It does not require extrasensory abilities.
  • It requires only ONE singing bowl and a stick, which is easy to take with you.
  • It has minimal contraindications.
  • It can be performed by practitioners with no ear for music.
  • It also allows the specialist to develop oneself in the process of practice!
  • It has a beneficial, harmonizing and prophylactic effect on both the massaged and the masseur.

Training seminar: " Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method ": Course №1

Minimum level of education accepted for study Special secondary education
Form of study Contact
Duration of study 2 days 16 ac.hours
The ratio of theory / practice / control (%) 53% \ 44% \ 3%


After training  for two days at the seminar, the participants get an internationally nominated participant certificate in English, a teaching aid, patterns for a diagnostic card and a card for recording the dynamics of procedures, as well as a link to download videos for this seminar!

It is advisable you have these things with you at the seminar:

  • Notepad and pen.
  • Comfortable non-synthetic clothing.
  • As far as possible, a plaid or a blanket + a pillow for meditations.
  • Replaceable shoes.
  • If you already have a bowl or bowls, you can take them with you to the seminar.
  • 3 photos 3x4 or passport-size for the certificate.

The topics of this course:

"Singing Bowls Vibro-acoustic Massage: Contact Method" ©: Course №1

  1. Introduction
  2. Anatomical and physiological substantiation and mechanism of the impact of Singing Bowls Vibro-Acoustic Massage (SBVAM) on the human body
  3. Singing bowls and sticks for SBVAM
  4. Requirements for space and equipment: conditions to ensure the method
  5. Methods and techniques for interacting with singing bowls: methodological features, execution errors
  6. SBVAM techniques. Schemes and methodological features. Session Algorithm
  7. Recommendations for making a course of procedures, dosage cycle, session, procedure, course
  8. Recommendations for the application of the method for prophylactic and health purposes
  9. Conclusion


References to Master Victor Ogyi
References to Singing Bowls Massage

References to the seminar " Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Massage"
Feedback on training with singing bowls
References to the achievements of the specialists trained by Victor Ogui
Video about Tibetan singing bowls vibro-acoustic massage
Photo from Tibetan singing bowls training seminars

Who: Viktor Ogui (Viktor Ogui \ VictorOguy)

  1. Organizer of Expeditions to places of the Force of the planet (6 training projects with the Masters of singing bowls in Nepal, 26 participants, the bark of Mount Kailash, Himalayas, Ladakh)
  2. Writer (40 books, 30 popular and 10 scientific articles)
  3. Traveler (5 continents, 40 countries)
  4. Physician. Medical education (obstetrician) and experience (9 years in the hospital, 20 years in medical clinics, beauty salons and fitness clubs). Achievements: 1st category in "medical massage"
  5. Teacher. Pedagogical education (Academy of Physical Education, qualified as Trainer-teacher) and experience (600 in the courses of SBVAM, 100 students - in the course of Classical massage, 80 students - in the course of bath technologies, 32 seminars in 11 countries on 5 continents)
  6. Healer (RANMA accreditation, Master-Teacher of traditional Reiki)
  7. Researcher (inventor - a patent for the author's method of vibration-acoustic massage, researcher - independently and jointly with students 3 scientific works, authorship for 3 workshops with singing bowls)
  8. Practitioner (group meditations of more than 70 participants at a time, more than 80 hours of personal reception for 10 consecutive days).

Course motto:
Take it and do it! ©

My life mission:
Sincerely and fully convey the Experience and Knowledge that I possess, making people close to me happy.

My professional mission:
Make knowledge of massage technology accessible, and skills - safe, high-quality and effective to use. And when performing massage procedures, follow the principles of compassion, effectiveness and safety for the patient!

Explore and promote singing bowls and practices with them as an environmentally friendly and safe tool for recreational practices.

My life motto:
“I am responsible for what I said; I am not responsible for what you understood. " (Namkhai Norbu)

Рекомендуемые материалы

Рекомендуемая литература к семинару:

  • Апледжер Дж., Вредвугд Я. Д. Краниосакральная терапия. — СПб: Сударыня, 2005.
  • Анатомические поезда / Томас В. Майерс: [перевод с английского Ю.С. Воробьевой].- Санкт Петербург: ООО "МЕРЕДИАН-С", 2012.- 320с.:ил.
  • Огуй В. Тибетский виброакустический массаж поющими чашами // Массаж. Эстетика тела. 2016. №
  • Вербов А.Ф. Основы лечебного массажа. 5-е изд., доп. и перераб. М., Медицина, 1966

Рекомендуемое видео к семинару:

Поющие чаши видео:

Виктор Огуй Презентация обучающего семинара «Виброакустический массаж поющими чашами: контактный метод»

Виктор Огуй Обучающий видеофильм по методике «Виброакустический массаж поющими чашами: контактный метод» (Демо-версия)


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